Tuesday 12 September 2017

gcse first post

1)The thing I am looking forward to most is filming because i like using cameras, i also like coming up with ideas for new videos.

2)I hope to learn how to edit videos and use SFX because i think it is fun.

3)The grade I am realistically hoping to achieve in media is a B because i would rather hope for a lower grade and achieve higher than hope for a higher grade and achieve lower.

4)The last TV programme I watch was game of thrones and the last movie I watched was sister act 2.

5)I think game of thrones appealed to the audience because it had a lot to do with political issues. It is very exciting and spontaneous, it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

6)The last device i used to access media was my kindle.

7)The device i use most to access media is also my kindle.

9)From the clip i can tell that Sherlock has amazing intuition and is able to understand many stuff about people and things with just a look and Watson is kinda sceptical and doesn't understand Sherlock.

10)One aspect of the clip that the audience may find appealing is when Sherlock is whipping the dead body, this is because they may be curious as to why he is doing that. Another aspect is when Sherlock is talking to the woman and he notices the small details of her make up, this is fascinating because not many of the audience will be able to notice such minor things. The final aspect is when Watson first meets Sherlock and he tells him everything he knows about him, this is interesting because they have only just met each other and he already knows so much. 

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