Thursday 22 February 2018

Advertising conventions

Related image

1) colour scheme- blue white and brown, the white helps to symbolise the creaminess, the brown is to show how chocolately it is and the blue is a signature colour that shows somewhat sophistication  and fun.
    central image- this is a picture the actual chocolate in front of a stream of chocolate
    slogan- "Have you tasted smooth and creamy lately?"
    Logo- in the centre of the image is the Cadbury Dairy Milk logo

2)  slogan- This appeals to the audience as it is directly asking them if they would like something delicious in a round about way
     colour scheme- makes it look tasty and fun at the same time
     central image- it looks appealing and Delicious
     logo- as it is well known it gives a sense of familiarity

3) The USP is "Have you tasted smooth and creamy lately?" i know this because it is the only writing but also because it is a quite persuasive way to tell someone to buy a product.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Reveal: case study blog task

reveal case study


1) The majority of people who would read this are the female mainstreamer or the  female struggler of ages 18-34 possibly in college or university ranging from classes ABC1-C2DE.

2) The editor introduces the magazine as someones best friend.

3) The Reveal target audience is young women who don't have much money whereas the Tatler is mainly aimed at middle aged women who have a lot of money.

4) The issues Reveal focuses on are relationship struggles and celebrity gossip.

                                                    Media language

1) Title of publication- is in the centre of the top of the cover.
    central image- an image of two celebrities.
    cover lines- down both sides of the cover
    colour scheme- pink green and yellow bring the cover to life giving off a fun bubbly atmosphere
   name checks- there are names next to every picture
   language - the use of  sans serif fonts make the magazine seem modern and the use of handwritten fonts allow is to seem home made or familiar to the reader.
   direct address- there are many cover lines using the noun 'you' as direct address
   bar code and price- circled and in big bold letters at the top left corner is the price-99p- and in the bottom right corner is the bar code
2) The main font choice is sans serif to seem modern and handwritten to seem familiar to the audience.

3) All of the cover lines are about celebrity gossip which may intrigue the audience as it is interesting.

4) The bright red, yellow and pink colour scheme connotes that they are trying to catch your attention with flashy colours which could also mean that they want to seem cool and fun and in a way young.

5) By using an image of a celebrity stuffing food in her mouth, a pregnant celebrity and a couple with serious looks on their faces. This could induce intrigue because it is changing the 'norm' by having celebrities changing their diets, and gossip.

6) The differences i can see between the designs of Tatler and Reveal are: while Tatler has one large center image Reveal has many smaller images this may change the sophistication of the images for the audience, compared to Reveal the Tatler colour scheme is a lot cooler which may make it seem a lot less friendly. Finally while Reveal is talking about gossip in all of its cover lines, Tatler mainly talks about audience relationships and things the audience can do.


1) The people represented in Reveal are typically succeeders or aspirers who are mainly reality TV stars.

2) The main type of celebrity represented on the cover are reality TV stars.

3) A stereotype that is used here is that all celebrities use strict diets this is enforced in a cover line when it says "stuff the diet" and "swapping cardio for carbs".

4) They want the reader to believe that all celebrities have no private life and that they all have diets and strict regimes.

5) The preferred reader for this cover would be younger women who are bored and interested in gossip and celebrities lives. The oppositional reader for this is people who believe that this is an invasion of privacy and feel sorry for the celebrities featured.

                                            Social and cultural context

1) The only parts of British life portrayed in this cover are where posh rich people are and the lives of those who are wealthy yet normal somehow. 

2) The main thing that the cover lines tell us about the readers is that they are worried about relationships and body image which may conclude that most of the audience is of teenage to their twenties as that is the main age for people to worry about how they look and who they are with.

3) A reoccurring problem with most Reveal covers is the constant price change and the fact that they take away all privacy in the lives of all celebrities featured.

4) Reoccurring celebrities seem to mainly be the relationship between Katie Price and Peter Andre as it is popular and anything to do with Cheryl Cole.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Print Magazines: Tatler CSP case study

Posh people trailer


1) Based on the trailer the type of person who reads the Tatler is is most likely either the aspirer or the succeeder who are upper-middle to upper class.

2) The editor introduces the magazine by saying that it's "a fabulously targeted, sensationally accurate rifle shot to the very richest readers in the country."

3) Average age- 41          female readers- 73%            AB class readers- 51%
   Average HHI- £261,572            readers in London and the south east- 70%

This tells us that the average Tatler reader is a middle aged woman in the south east who is wealthy with a high steady income.

4) £843 million is spent on fashion from Tatler a year. This means that those who read Tatler must value fashion and high class brands.

5) The special editions of Tatler throughout the year are the January travel guide, March weddings guide, April beauty & cosmetic surgery guide, June spa guide, July watches and jewellery guide and the October schools guide. This suggests that the people who read this magazine are mainly aspirers and succeeders.

                                                       Media language

1) Title of publication- Is in the top center of the magazine
    centre image- is a blond woman in the middle of the magazine
   cover line- There are multiple cover lines down both the left and right sides of the cover
colour schemes- the colour scheme for this cover is mainly greens pinks black and white
name checks- they explicitly say James Corden in large bold white writing
Language- in this magazine they use slang such as sloanes and aristos and the only writing not in a sans serif font is the title of the magazine
direct address and asking questions- although they ask no questions they do directly talk to the readers multiple times
the real target audience- they are trying to appeal to women in their 20s

2) The font choice for this magazine is serif this connotes that they are trying to be classy and appeal to those who have expensive tastes

3) They use sans serif for all the cover lines as this looks more modern and may appeal to younger audiences

4)The cover lines appeal to the Tatler audience because it constantly talks about shopping and millennials/ the 21st century a lot as in this posh world the ideal is young.

5)The connotations of the Tatler colour scheme are that they are trying to look young fun and bubbly with bright colours

6) The centre image draws your attention as the heavy eye make up on the eyes is at the cover centre and she is smizing which is a term created by Tyra Banks meaning to smile with your eyes without smiling. Also the fancy clothing the model wears which are white and gold draw your attention as gold is a symbol of wealth and this may be appealing to the readers of Tatle


1) The type of person represented on the cover is a young beautiful white female who is most likely living a very luxuriously rich life

2) The cover lines show that rich people in Britain love to waist their money

3) The stereotype that all rich people are snobs who love to shop is being reinforced by constantly talking about new accessories and mating practices and who are accepted to whos party.

4) There are no representation of people of a lower class and this suggests that the only audience is those who are extremely rich

5) The preferred reader would be young rich people who like to spend their money however the oppositional reader would be anyone who dislikes rich people

                                social and cultural context

1) The aspects of British life that is not represented is those who do not have much money and are forced to work extremely hard to even have enough money for food

2) This suggests that the magazine's representations of life in Britain are that people who are old wish to look young and all parents want their children in overly expensive private schools

3) Audience groups that might be offended by this cover are those whocannot live such a life as those in the magazine

4) A regularly featured problem is that they continuously talk about sex.



Magazines 1) Print Magazines: Tatler CSP case study 2) Reveal: case study blog task 3) OMO advert: blog task 4) Represent NHS Bloo...