Thursday 27 September 2018

Girl Of The Sun Statement of intent improved

Girl of The Sun will be a teen sci-fi series about a young 15-year-old girl who discovers that she has strange powers. During this period of time she gets followed home and decides to confront this person; in doing so she unintentionally unlocks her powers potential and knocks her stalker unconscious. I will put a wide shot to show as she is being followed. She returns home to her mother and her mother explains to her that she is from a planet that was destroyed and that her family sent her to earth to survive. In this series, the main character goes on finding out about herself and experiences many emotionally tormenting events including finding out her best friend Zed is a Galactian spy. My 2-minute extract is in the opening scene of episode 7, the previously on part of the episode showing key feature of past episodes. This is because in episode 7 the story will continue en-media-res during the fight between Alisa and her Best friend Zed.

Media Language 
I intend to have 4 locations in which I will film 3 main characters plus 11 extras. There will be both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in this production. I intend to use a non-diegetic soundtrack within the whole of the 2-minute extract and I will overlay the sound with some diegetic sound, the explanation given by Alisa's mother. I intend to use a wide shot to show the tension between Alisa and her best friend during the fight scene. The locations I have chosen will be a field to represent her home planet, the school drama room to look like the house, an alleyway near the canal to give off a creepy atmosphere as she is being followed and outside D block to show where she and her best friend confront each other. I will use an over the shoulder shot from the front of Alisa to show both of their facial expressions to allow the audience to understand the emotion at the end of the explanation scene between Alisa and her mother. In post-production, I have added grey-scale to parts of my sequence to show it is a flashback. 

The main character Alisa will subvert female stereotypes as she has been created to be the hero of her own story along with being a strong person she challenges the ongoing female stereotype of being weak and having to be saved. I intend to reinforce male stereotypes by using a white male as the kidnapper as women are never shown to be kidnappers. I will deliberately show scenes in which my main character will come up against male villains who appear to be stronger but will very clearly win. I will also deliberately present Alisa's mum as a single mother so as to subvert normal stereotypes of women as she is strong and doesn't need a man.

The target audience for this series is families of the working class. I believe that my series can create nostalgia as it is filmed mainly in the streets of London and in an archetypal school as this will help to connect with working-class families from ages 10+ as everyone will know what a school looks like. If people like watching Small Ville- a series about Superman- or marvels gifted I believe they will like this series as it will give audience pleasures such as identification- as it is in a familiar living area- diversion- as it is quite entertaining and has an intriguing story- and relationships as the story allows you to truly connect and empathize with Alisa and her story. By allowing Alisa to win against many male villains, I believe that this will gain a large female audience.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Girl Of The Sun script

Previously On Earth...
 normal eye closing to blackout.

 ALISA sitting with EARTH MUM as she explains the terrible news to her.

   I’m so sorry Alisa. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier; you’re not from here.

While KING AND QUEEN are solemnly holding
 each other and embracing death as the last 2 glisians lie dead
     on the floor, GLISIAN KING AND QUEEN
          look down at the baby carriage holding
                             BABY ALISA.

  Back to ALISA and EARTH MUM.

Alisa, You’re from a planet called Gliese, it’s a planet much like earth but it’s different!

ALISA is being followed by KIDNAPPER and
 this scene is a montage of ALISA discovering her 
      powers and an unconscious KIDNAPPER.

The powers you have are because you are royalty on Gliese, the princess to be Exact. When     the Galactians destroyed Gliese your parents sent you to earth so That your bloodline could continue.

ALISA is staring at her hands for a moment and suddenly runs away.

Back to ALISA and EARTH MUM.

so my real parents are… are dead? How could you do this? Not tell me? I’m a Freak! An Alien!

 ALISA jumps up kicking the chair back now shouting at EARTH MUM

You should have declined! Why didn’t you? You had no relation to me! My family! so why?                                                         
EARTH MUM is now pleading with ALISA trying to explain her actions
 however, she can. she is desperate
You were just a baby Alisa! Now that your powers have developed you must train them! Trust no one.

Jump to the scene of ALISA texting BESTIE about her powers.


Galactians can beam to you now they are coming for you and you must fight to survive! Alisa, you are the last of the Glisians!

 ALISA and BESTIE are running at full speed toward each other angrily.


 Please train Princess you are the last hope! They will destroy our planet!

the eye opens as a different colour possibly red


                                                                  Girl Of The Sun
                                                                  Lola-Mae Heath
                                                            Episode 7 26 June 2019
                                                                         Series 1


Doctor Who-
 The equilibrium of this clip is when young Amy enters the museum and everything is fine. The disequilibrium is when the Dalek shows up as it is sent to kill them. The new equilibrium is when the doctor turns up and runs away with both Amys.
The storyline is communicated through the character Amy Pond and how she touches the alien object and her future self is inside. I think that next the doctor will get them out of the situation in some way or another and probably by using his sonic screwdriver.

By being Scottish, both Amys appeal to the UK audience as they are like everyday people you will see on the street unlike other tv dramas such as Brooklyn 99 which is filmed in America and is not as relatable to a UK audience. In this clip when Propp's theory is applied we see that the doctor is the hero, Amy is the sidekick/ helper, young Amy is the heroine/princess and the Dalek is the villain. In some ways, they reinforce stereotypes as it is still a male hero and a female heroine; however, they also subvert stereotypes as there is a female sidekick which is unusual for most dramas or storylines.

Both the Amys and the doctor are dressed in casual clothing and nothing is out of the ordinary; however, when the alien machine opens a bright light comes out which is common in many sci-fi. The Dalek is also much like any common robot found in many sci-fi movies and series. The setting of a museum is unusual for sci-fi as it tends to focus on the future and not the past.

This will provide audience pleasures such as diversion as it is entertaining and relationships as you emotionally connect to all characters and identification as it is made in England which many viewers will find familiar. The setting contrasts to the plot as the setting is, in reality, quite normal and unlike other sci-fi series, the museum setting focuses on history instead of future. This is unusual as most sci-fi series' are about technological advancements.

The series follows a storyline where there is a mass production of synthetic humans that people begin to buy for themselves and their families. This takes place around a few years into our future. The equilibrium is when the families buy their synthetics and the disequilibrium is when the synthetics begin o rebel against their owners and go against protocol. However, in this clip, there is no new equilibrium as it is just a trailer it ends on a cliffhanger where the people are in dismay to allow the viewer to want to watch more. 

The characters are appealing to a UK audience because they look like ordinary everyday people even though many of them are synthetics and this allows people to have a sense of familiarity when watching. In this clip, the characters both reinforce and subvert stereotypes as you see women who are acting as the hero, however, the males are also acting as the hero in this clip.

In this series, the costume, props, lighting, and setting are all made to seem normal as this is set only a few years into our future with only a few technological advancements. However, as for makeup, actors cast for the synthetics are all made to wear green contacts and matted make so as to seem plastic.

The setting is unusual for a sci-fi drama as it looks like a normal everyday world however, the subtle advancmets in technology such as factories and more advanced televisions are what make the series seem as though it is a sci-fi drama.


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