Tuesday 17 October 2017

Camera work and editing: Minority Report analysis

                             Shot 1

The medium close up angle allows all of the characters to stay in the shot. This shows enough of the face for you to tell the emotion but also shows the background filled with people although not exactly showing where they are. The way they are dressed shows that they are police men even though they look more futuristic.
                                        Shot 2
This wide shot sows where the next event will take place. This shows an alleyway with a car as the background. This doesn't show a body or a face so you cannot actually tell what the emotion is, however judging from the background it looks drowsy dull and sad.  

Shot 3 

This close up shot shows mainly the face so the emotions are visible in his expression. There is barely any background so it is fairly hard to see where he is however there is a lot of shadow and the lighting is dark so we can assume that it is nighttime where he is.

During this video the pace of the editing starts off slow to build and then gradually gets faster when the action starts. The effect this creates is it intrigues the audience as it goes fast and they have to pay extra attention to see all the details of the action.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

wizards of waverly place analysis

1)medium close up at 0:12
This medium close up clearly shows Alex shouting at Harper. This allows the audience to read the emotions clearly on her face but also show the background and where she is.

2)long shot at 2:19
This long shot shows Harper and Justin dancing onto the screen. This allows you to see both actors whole body as well as the blurry background. 

3)medium shot at 1:04
This medium shot shows Alex rolling her eyes while talking to Harper. This allows both actors to be in the shot and the background.

4)high angle at 3:52
This high angle shows Justin lying hurt on the ground after being beaten up by Max. This particular shot shows Justin's whole body but makes him seem small and frail.

5)low angle at 4:06
This low angle shows Max taunting and making fun of Justin. This particular shot only shows her waist up and makes her look more powerful than Justin as she just beat him up.

6)At the beginning the camera panned in from the left to the right following Harper's movements. Next  the camera zoomed out to allow you to see more of the background when max enters. when Alex gets angry the camera pans from right to left following her movements and later when they introduce the karate sensei it zooms out to allow you to see both max and Justin.

Thursday 5 October 2017

photo story board

Establishing shot
This is the photo of the school. Known as the Establishing shot, which is used to show where the event is about to take place. This tells you that the event that is about to take place will be in or around the school building.
Close up
This photo is of Jayden and Karan. Known as the close up, close in on aspect of a character (usually a characters face.) This allows the audience to see emotions and reactions.  This tells you that Jayden and Karan are angry.
Over the shoulder
This photo is of Jayden over Karan's shoulder. Known as an over the shoulder shot, looking from behind a person at a subject. Used for conversation, or in this case an argument, between people or to show a characters point of view. 
High angle
This is a photo of Jayden punching Karan in the face. Known as a high angle, it is used to make people seem small. In this case we used this angle to make Karan seem smaller than Jayden as he is the one being punched.
Unusual perspective
This photo is of Jayden and Karan's fight from a birds-eye view. Known as an unusual perspective, this can be used to surprise an audience or show danger. In this case we used this angle to give a different perspective of the fight and to see the bystanders watching. 
Low angle
This photo is of Karan punching Jayden. Known as a low angle, this is used to make the subject look big and powerful. In this case we used this angle to make Karan look bigger and more powerful than Jayden as he is the one punching him
Medium close up
This is a photo of Billy as our 'teacher'. Known as the medium close up, only the head and shoulders are visible so the facial expression (emotion) can be seen along with background often used with over-the-shoulder shots. In this case we used it to make Billy seem angry, annoyed and bored at the same time.
Big close up
This is a photo of Billy's eye. Known as a big close up, shows extreme detail and emphasises whatever is seen in the shot. Used rarely by directors to make sure it has a strong effect. In this case we used this shot to make it known that Billy has seen the fight.
Long shot
This photo is of Billy moving toward the fight. Known as the long shot, the head to toe is visible. It shows plenty of background and fits in plenty of action. In this case we used it to show that he is moving toward the action.
Medium shot
This photo is of Billy attempting to break up the fight. Known as the medium shot, the waist to head is visible. The actor and the setting are roughly equal in the frame. it is often used with a '2 shot' (2 actors in shot together.) In this case we used this so that we were able to fit all 3 people in the shot.

blog feedback and LR

WWW: Overall, this is a very good start in Media! Your film poster analysis in particular offers depth and knowledge/research of the film studios behind Alien. More like this please!

EBI: Two issues I want to pick up. Firstly, written English. You need to make sure you are writing accurately in every piece of work you produce. In your blog so far, you’re missing capital letters for titles in places – that’s not good enough! Secondly, your denotation and connotation tasks don’t have the depth that your film poster analysis offers. If we are going to be aiming for those 7-9 grades, you need to explore texts from a variety of angles and offer real depth and detail to your written analysis. Compare this analysis to your WaterAid/Mr Kipling work: http://ishachana2.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/denotation-and-connotation.html

LR: Reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?

My strongest piece of work so far is my Alien poster analysis because I believe that I went into a lot of detail in the analysis of the industry and what the poster means in depth.
I believe my weakest piece of work so far is my Mr Kipling analysis because I didn't go into enough detail nor did I think a lot about it. Specific skills or knowledge I need to develop are for Denotations, Connotations and learning how to properly analyse colours.
I think I could improve by practising Denotation and  Connotation until I can do it properly.


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