Tuesday 22 May 2018

Videogames case study 1: Lara Croft Go blog tasks

1) Lara Croft is a female protagonist adventurer who first appeared in the Tomb Raider series starting in 1996.

2) The series Indiana Jones was a heavy influence on the creation of Tomb Raider and Lara Croft.

3) Lara Croft and Tomb Raider has moved beyond video games as it has now been turned into 2 different movies.

4) You can now play Lara Croft Go on Android and Apple devices.

5) Lara Croft Go is a turn-based puzzle video game in the Tomb Raider series.

6) Lara Croft Go uses narrative by creating 3 main levels with sub levels with the design of a map to lead you through the sub levels as the story line.

7) The iconography that can be found is the dusty sort of nature like colour scheme and images of jungle/animals that allow the game to seem adventurous and Lara Croft to seem like an explorer. This helps as the game is adventure based.

8) Apart from Lara Croft the other characters in the game are snakes, spiders, lizards and the queen of venom.

9) In Lara Croft Go the setting is basically just a temple in the jungle. Compared to other Lara Croft games this is very similar as it features abandoned temples and jungles much like other Tomb Raider and Lara Croft games.

10) Essentially Lara Croft started off as an adventurous female protagonist however she was dressed in a somewhat sexualised outfit and had an extremely unrealistic body shape which is a bad representation of women. Over time Lara Croft has evolved in that her body type is now much more realistic and her outfit is not as bad.

1) Usually in video games women are represented as side characters, prizes and/or maidens in distress.

2) Lara Croft reinforces female stereotypes in the media with the way she is dressed and her body type. This is because her body is an extremely unrealistic shape and her clothes are lacking which may cause her to be sexualised.

3) Lara Croft also subverts female stereotypes in the media. This is because she is the first female protagonist and her powerful, adventurous ways are generally seen as masculine however she shows that both men and women can be strong.

4) Some people believe that the video game industry is sexist and needs to change because of the overly sexualised way they portray women as side characters and prizes in skimpy outfits.

5) Although you can argue that Lara Croft is just another objectified woman designed to appeal to a male audience because of her unrealistic body shape and sexualised outfit, I believe that Lara Croft can also be used as empowering female icon as she has broken all of the boundaries surrounding female characters in video games and the longest standing prejudice against male protagonists and female protagonists.

1) PEGI stands for Pan European Game Information.

2) PEGI's job is to enforce the video game rating system of which they also created to help European customers to make informed decisions when buying a game.

3) Square Enix Montreal

4) The 2 popular video game franchises that were combined to make Lara Croft Go were Tomb Raider and Hit Man Go.

5) Another thing that is a part of the Tomb Raider/Lara Croft franchise is the 2 movies that have come out about the game.

1) Audiences may enjoy playing Lara Croft Go because it can given them nostalgia and is an interactive game which people enjoy. Also this game is set

2) Audiences can play Lara Croft Go when waiting for public transport/commuting or just at home.

3) When designing Lara Croft Go people at square enix  looked at the settings of both the Tomb Raider video games and the Indiana Jones movies for inspiration.

4) Diversion, relationships

5) The target audience for Lara Croft Go is possibly older women around the age 20-35 as this brings nostalgia to the 90s video game Tomb Raider.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Magazines and advertising assessment: Learner response

total=22         grade=6

WWW- A really impressive assessment, well done! You clearly know your stuff - good revision with specific reference to the texts. With a few minor changes you should be on a 7+ grade.

EBI- Paragraphs! Organising your longer answers is essential for the top levels.

      - Written English: cut out basic errors
(e.g they're/their)
      -Revise stereotypes in NHS Represent advert
(e.g. men, disabled)

LR- See blog

1) 1
2) 1
3) 6
4) 2
5) 4
6) 8

Magazine conventions
Title of publication
Central image
Name checks
Direct address

4) The quotes from reality television stars use controversy (‘sex’ and ‘jail’
and ‘stalker’) to hint at the exciting stories inside.

Use of paparazzi shots rather than posed shots which make the reader
feel as if they are seeing a different side to celebrities and this reinforces
the dramatic coverlines.

The magazine uses a strong, central image with the face in the visual
centre of the cover to draw the reader’s eye. The image uses a model
making direct eye contact with the reader which gives them a
connection. The hair-style is messy which could connote a night out, or
be used to make the model more edgy which links to the idea of ‘new
posh’ and ‘21 st century’. Her costume includes pearls and jewellery which
connotes wealth and luxury and status. This is complemented by the
gold brocade of her outfit which is reminiscent of royalty.

The use of sans serif font for the cover lines, together with brackets
(‘yes, really) gives the magazine cover a friendly, more informal tone,
although words such as ‘Aristo’ and ‘Sloane’ are specific to the target
audience demographic.

5)A disabled athlete – wheelchair basketball player and TV presenter Ade
Adepitan people usually do not see disabled people as athletic.

Black, female CEO of MOBO – Kanya King usually it is older white males who dominate the industries.

Female boxer – Olympic medal winner Nicola Adams women are not usually seen as strong however she fights for a living.

6) In the 1950s the representation of women consisted of women only being housewives and being reliant on men. This also showed women as enjoying housework and cooking, however pictured them as not being very good and needing the help on male dominant products. The OMO anchorage text is extremely belittling toward women and talks down to them as though they were children.with the repetitive use of exclamation marks and italics (such as "Yes, brilliantly bright!" ). The OMO concept of "bright" and "white" reinforces the stereotype of women being pure and innocent.

Although it is also based in the 1950s, the Galaxy advert shows the more glamorous celebrity side of the 1950s while still showcasing a 'damsel in distress' concept - Propps 'heroine' in need of a male saviour. However, the 1950s nostalgia is taken aback by the subversion of female stereotypes throughout the advert. When she takes her original bus driver's hat she goes from 'damsel in distress' to a strong independent woman with a personal driver (who just so happens to be male). The representation of women in this advert is much more reflective of the modern stereotypes of women taking control rather than the 1950s stereotypes and differs vastly from the OMO stereotypes.

NHS Represent advert displays how female stereotypes have changed: led by a strong female rapper the advert then goes on to showcase Black and Asian women boxing, leading companies and in science labs. women are shown as independent, powerful physically and mentally and academically capable for powerful positions in terms of business. By specifically using language in the lyrics to empower the BAME community (‘You could be a pilot…we are the ones making policies’), this lifts the aspiration of black and Asian women.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Videogames: An introduction

1)The first video games had very bad graphics and they were only button pressing games on old computers.

2)Over time the graphics in video games have become better and they are now a lot more interactive and have actual stories and context.

3)All of the most successful games have context, stories and are mostly interactive although there is also quite a lot of interest in death. They also have amazing narratives.

4)Adults accuse video games of persuading young kids to commit violence and crimes as they have seen in games. However, this is entirely incorrect in my opinion as many people who play video games have no urge to suddenly commit crimes and violence.

5) Fortnite is an online game where around 100 players jump out of a plane on to a small island and then fight each other until only one is left. Players can find various different weapons around the island to use to fight with including: crossbows, rifles and grenade launchers.

6)There are more than 4oM players worldwide.

7) Fortnite is popular because it is quite unique in terms of narrative and because it is very interactive.

A fantastic game for all the family. The violence is cartoon-like, not gratuitous or graphic. I limit my children to only playing the Playstation at the weekends. Simple." I disagree with this comment as i do not believe that it is a game that all the family will enjoy as not all adults would agree with the violence or context of the game.

If kids are influenced to act violently all they have to do is watch WW2 on the History Channel, learn about King Henry VIII's wives or just watch the news." I agree with this comment as i believe that adults often misconstrue the idea of influenced violence as not many teens suddenly believe they should fight because of a game they played and if this were true they would be swayed by any violent or 12+ movie they watch, people are not that naive.


Magazines 1) Print Magazines: Tatler CSP case study 2) Reveal: case study blog task 3) OMO advert: blog task 4) Represent NHS Bloo...