Tuesday 26 March 2019

Music Video: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

Impact of new/digital media on music industry
1) Audiences use YouTube to watch music videos now.

2) New artists didn't have to go through big record labels anymore, instead, they could deliver directly to the fans. This gave more power to audiences.

3) P2P means peer to peer, Arctic Monkeys music was shared illegally on P2P sites and this popularised Arctic Monkeys' music however for most of the music industry, record companies lost money from sales as people would listen to their music illegally.

4) Celebrities like Justin Beiber were popularised by the internet rather than a large record company because the viewers liked his music. Without the internet, viewers wouldn't be able to access such a wide variety of music and select their favourites so companies would just make assumptions.

5) Marshmello, a world famous DJ held the very first Fortnite concert this year. This has never been done before and demonstrates intertextuality.

1) Arctic Monkeys music was shared illegally on P2P sites.

2) For most of the music industry, record companies lost money from sales as people would listen to their music illegally. 

3) The Arctic Monkeys were school friends who started playing together whereas One Direction were manufactured by Simon Cowell as part of the X-factor. It could be said that the Arctic Monkeys are more authentic than One Direction because they chose to be a band and it was their idea.

4) Technological convergence has made it easier for indie music - such as Arctic Monkeys' music - to be shared around but for the music industry, it has decreased album sales.

5) The internet has been a negative development for large record labels as it has taken some of their power. before, there were talent scouts who discovered talented people and trained them to be pop stars but now people can showcase their talent to the word without large companies through the internet.

1) White, middle class and reasonably young people - aged 23+ - are likely to be Arctic Monkey fans. They may be part of reformer or explorer psycho-graphics. 

2) Nostalgia is a key audience pleasure with the Arctic Monkeys because the music video has conventional 80's lighting and is filmed on 80's cameras to make it look like a live TV performance on Top of the Pops.

3) "Don't believe the hype," is a shout out to the band's original internet fans that recommended the band to others. The lead singer introduces the song and the band to make it seem like a live TV performance. The 80's cameras are used as it was a convention of live TV performances to show the crew on the sidelines.

4) Nostalgia is a 'yearning for yesterday' where people watch something because it reminds people of the past. The I Bet You Look Good on the Dance floor video is styled to look like an 80's live TV performance so the audience feels nostalgic.

5) The artists wanted the fans to realise how different the music industry was then compared to now and they wanted to thank their fans as they are the reason for the Monkeys' success.

Radio: Launch of Radio 1 CSP case study

Historical, social and cultural context
1) Before 1967 BBC offered the radio stations, BBC radio home, BBC radio light, BBC third

2) In 1967 BBC was re organised so that BBC radio home became radio 4, BBC radio light became radio 2 and BBC third became BBC 3

3) Pirate radio was radio based offshore and it was popular as it played non-stop music whereas other radios had a 5 hour time limit for music.

4) Pirate radio stopped playing in 1967 because of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act that  officially outlawed pirate radio stations.

5) The BBC attracted a young audience after the pirate radios were shut down by employing radio presenters from pirate radios such as Caroline.

6) In 1967 they could only play five hours of music per day, this was a problem for BBC radio as their target audience wanted this amount of time to be longer.

7) BBC Radio 1 offered different content to previous BBC radio stations as it provided a younger musical taste.

8) The first radio presenter of BBC radio 1 was Tony Blackburn and this caused upset with tradition as he was a pirate radio presenter.

9) Tony Blackburn's first show may have appealed to a younger audience as he did things like competitions and shout outs.

10) Tony Blackburn talked over some of the music and added jingles and other musical effects making it different from other BBC radios.

Audience and industry
1) The target audience for BBC Radio 1 in 1967 was teens and adults in their 20's.

2) Radio 1 initially struggled to attract young listeners because it was not seen as cool.

3) Radio 1 gave audience pleasures such as Diversion- listening to music
Personal relations- familiar pirate radio hosts.

4) The BBC is funded by people who pay for licence fee which is compulsory.

5) The preferred and oppositional reading of BBC Radio 1 in 1967 would have been that it was uncool and boring.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Girl Of The Sun Statement of intent improved newest


Girl of The Sun will be a teen sci-fi series about a young 15-year-old girl who discovers that she has strange powers. During this period of time she gets followed home and decides to confront this person; in doing so she unintentionally unlocks her powers' potential and knocks her stalker unconscious. I will put a wide shot to show as she is being followed. She returns home to her mother and her mother explains to her that she is from a planet that was destroyed and that her family sent her to earth to survive. In this series, the main character goes on finding out about herself and experiences many emotionally tormenting events including finding out her best friend Zed is a Galactian spy. My 2-minute extract is in the opening scene of episode 7, the previously on part of the episode showing key moment of past episodes. This is because in episode 7 the story will continue en-media-res during the fight between Alisa and her Best friend Zed.

Media Language
I intend to have 4 locations in which I will film 3 main characters plus members of an ensemble cast. There will be both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in this production. I intend to use a non-diegetic soundtrack of low sci-fi music within the whole of the 2-minute extract and I will overlay the sound with some diegetic sound, the explanation given by Alisa's mother. I intend to use a wide shot to show the tension between Alisa and her best friend during the fight scene. The locations I have chosen will be a field to represent her home planet, the school drama room to look like the house, an alleyway near the canal to give off a creepy atmosphere as she is being followed and outside D block to show where she and her best friend confront each other. I will use a close up of Alisa with her mother in the background emphasise their facial expressions to allow the audience to understand the emotion at the end of the explanation scene. I will add grey-scale to parts of my sequence to show it is a flashback.

The main character Alisa will subvert female stereotypes as she has been created to be the hero of her own story along with being a strong person she challenges the ongoing female stereotype of being weak and having to be saved. I intend to reinforce male stereotypes by using a white male as the kidnapper as women are never shown to be kidnappers. I will deliberately show scenes in which my main character will come up against male villains who appear to be stronger but my female protagonist will very clearly win. I will also deliberately present Alisa's mum as a single mother so as to subvert normal stereotypes of women as she is strong and doesn't need a man.


The target audience for this series is families of the working class. I believe that my series can create nostalgia as it is filmed mainly in the streets of London and in an archetypal school as this will help to connect with working-class families from ages 10+ as everyone will know what a school looks like. If people like watching Small Ville- a series about Superman- or Marvels Gifted. I believe they will like this series as it will give audience pleasures such as identification, as it is in a familiar living area. Diversion, as it is quite entertaining and has an intriguing story. Finally, Relationships as the story allows you to truly connect and empathise with Alisa and her story. By allowing Alisa to win against many male villains, I believe that this will attract  a large female audience.


Magazines 1) Print Magazines: Tatler CSP case study 2) Reveal: case study blog task 3) OMO advert: blog task 4) Represent NHS Bloo...